We were first introduced to the world of Mattia Cielo through our good friend Tony Goldsberry, the fearless leader of Rock House, the brand's US rep. Let's say this about Tony: He is super fun, always nattily dressed, enjoys a delicious cocktail (or two) and calls Randi, 'Kitten'. We love all of those things. So, of course, we were intrigued, one day way back, when Tony told us he had this amazing architecturally-inspired Italian brand that would blow our little minds. Friends, he was right. We are hooked. Mattia Cielo is the brainchild of the man below, (the namesake and our interview subject) and, with his business partner/artist/designer Massimiliano Bonoli, features precious gems set in metal. Sounds simple enough, right? So, so, wrong. These are some seriously 3-D jewels that feel incredibly elegant while also managing to look vaguely futuristic. A little concept that the partners call 'Metamorphic Dynamism'. Don't worry, you don't have to grasp exactly what that means, just enjoy the ride.
“Of course, as an Italian, we must have the month of August to relax with friends and family. ”


Let’s have dinner at your favorite neighborhood restaurant. Where do we go and what do we eat?
Bottega del Vino, best choice of wine and very characteristic Veneto cuisine. The restaurant is located in romantic Verona. Who knows, maybe Romeo and Juliette may pop in one evening.
If you could buy any piece of contemporary jewelry from another jeweler, what would it be?
A Sevan Bicakci ring. I'm entranced by his talent.
The vacation spot that you keep going back to over and over?
Sardinia, emerald coast. Of course, as an Italian, we must have the month of August to relax with friends and family.
What’s the last book you couldn’t put down?
Agent Storm: My Life Inside al Qaeda and the CIA by Morten Storm.
What’s your go-to cocktail?
Classic Gin and Tonic with one-of-a-kind gin from France. I don't drink a lot. They say it's like giving water to a Gremlin after midnight.
The gemstone you’re currently lusting after is . . .
My wife, literally!
What’s your favorite piece that you made in the last year and why?
Don't ask a man to choose!
You have 30 minutes to work out – what do you do?
Playground 3 vs. 3. I'm a basketball slinger!
What was the first piece of jewelry you bought for yourself?
Never bought, but received a leather necklace with a golden pearl from my father’s studio.
If you could have dinner with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Leonardo Da Vinci. An amazing talent who shaped the way we live.
What’s your preferred mode of transportation day-to-day?
Where I live is like L.A. – we drive.
Top 5 bands in your playlist - go!
U2, Queen, Nirvana, REM, Oasis.
You’re having guests for the weekend. What’s your signature dish that you cook for them?
Orecchiette and spicy broccoli.
Be honest – who’s your celebrity crush?!
Claudia Shiffer
What’s your dream watch to own?
What’s your favorite piece of technology and why?
TV. As you may have guessed, I am an ‘80s boy!
PS: Shop the collection at Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills: (310) 550-5900, Marissa Collections, and Reinhold Jewelers.