So, we're pretty excited around FFR today because for the next few weeks, you're going to get an insider look at one of the fashion industry's most prestigious groups: the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). Yesterday marked the launch of its second jewelry showcase, which took place at the CFDA headquarters in downtown Manhattan, and we were lucky enough to be asked to profile each of the talented jewelers right here on our own little website. (There are currently 79 jewelry designers in the CFDA membership of more than 500 designers, and 17 of those will be right here. For serious.) You're in for a treat!
Up first, a man we are already big fans of, and whose eye for beauty is possibly only surpassed by his personal elegance and charm. Mish Tworkowski's passion for jewelry actually started as a childhood hobby, but luckily for us, has evolved into a wonderland of organically-inspired bespoke wonders that marry otherworldly precious gemstones with a very unique design sensibility. If you happen to be in New York City, you'd be remiss in not stopping by his Bond Street boutique to peruse each treasure while marveling at the hand-painted walls, brass vitrines and gorgeous artwork that decorate the space. Although he is often commissioned to make statement pieces like cocktail rings and tiaras for private clients, each and every bauble is an instant heirloom, certain to draw as many smiles as oohs and ahhs. You're about to see what we mean.
To note: The CFDA also created an official Jewelry Committee to explore possibilities for business development, exposure and best practices that affect the industry as well as each designer’s individual business: Mish Tworkowski serves as the Jewelry Committee’s Co-Chairman.
“Every morning we would walk along the beach and try to count how many waterfalls there were cascading down the mountains.”
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What's your idea of ultimate luxury?
For me the ultimate luxury is time. We all have crazy busy lives and nothing is more wonderful than to have the time to sit with a friend; work on a drawing until it is perfect; walk aimlessly down a beach; laugh for hours; be inspired by your own thoughts; never look at your watch…
The gemstone you are currently lusting after is...
Right now I am thinking about intense pink conch pearls!
If you could have dinner with any artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?
I would love to have dinner with Pierre-Joseph Redoute. It would be amazing to learn what it was like in the late 18th Century to paint all the flowers at Malmaison for Marie Antoinette.
If you could buy any piece of contemporary jewelry from another CFDA member, what would it be?
I would ask Simon Alcantara to design me the most amazing, simple gold bracelet because I would know that it would be infused with the most beautiful energy and style.
Where's the last place you visited that inspired your creativity? Give us some details!
The last place that I visited that was completely inspirational was Hanalei on Kaua’i. My partner, Joseph Singer and I go frequently to Hawaii. Hanalei is truly paradise with the most spectacular topography, the most gorgeous skies, the most beautiful gardens and the loveliest people. Every morning we would walk along the beach and try to count how many waterfalls there were cascading down the mountains. Joseph even had the “time” to make me a palm frond hat!!
If you could sit front row at any fashion show, what would it be and why?
I would want to sit front row at a Lanvin show in Paris: Alber Elbaz has been a friend for years and he is immensely talented.
If you could be anything other than a jewelry designer, what would it be?
I feel very fortunate to be a jewelry designer as nothing combines art and fashion in a better way. But if you pressed me, I would say a gardener.
Be honest – who is your celebrity crush?
If you knew me you would laugh...friends always say that I missed out on my pop culture education!!! BUT secretly I think Taraji Henson in Empire is pretty stellar!
What's your spirit animal and explain why.
My spirit animal would have to be our dog Mobi. She is the most inherently beautiful, gentle, constantly loving and giving being that I know. I often think what a wonderful role model she would make for mankind.
What does it mean to you to be a member of CFDA?
The CFDA is a truly special and important organization that brings American designers together to think about their craft, their fellow designers, the industry and philanthropy. Right now it is particularly significant time for jewelry designers because we have just formed a committee and are having regular meetings to bring greater awareness to jewelry design within the organization as well as in the industry in general. This could only happen with the support of a great institution like the CFDA.